She Put the Music In Me

I listened to this song on repeat for over an hour the other day.  And then again the next day.

You really have to listen to it to appreciate it, but I typed up the words so I could more fully appreciate how clever they are.  I am almost positive that this is the most cleverly written song I've ever listened to, but possibly that is just because as the Primary Music Leader I know every one of the songs she is pulling lines from.

Thanks for putting the music in me, Mom.

(you can listen to it on youtube while you read the lyrics, if you'd like)

It started with rockabye
Comforting when I’d cry
All in her own style

Then popcorn before my eyes
Turning frowns upside down
Into smiles

With songs of the birds up high
Looking at the blue blue skies
The wind as it rushes by

Then leading me
Guiding me
Walking beside me
She helped me to walk in the light

And she built my house on a rock
And she lives all that she taught

And she is all that a woman should be
She put the music in me

I knew He was really there
He heard my child’s prayer
Answering from up above
She gave like a little stream
I was her sunbeam
And I felt my Savior’s love
I saw her kneel and pray
With our family every day
Listening to each whispered word

Gentle in deed and thought
All the things Jesus taught
Following promptings she heard

And she lives to
Search ponder pray
And she gives every day
So her thanks
Will always be thanks indeed

She put the music in me
Every tiny wings
Each little bird that sings
In the leafy treetops up high
And all creatures great and small
I know God made them all
Because of her sweet lullabies

And she’s like a star shining bright
And helps me to choose the right
And she gives me the hope of a life yet to be
She put the music in me

She is so good to me
Heavenly Father sent her to me
And she taught me to lift up my voice and sing
She put the music in me
She put the music in me


  1. So what you're saying is you're responsible for a good majority of the hits on YouTube? Haha. But really it is a beautiful song and a wonderful tribute to her mother. I can't say I know where each line comes from but I know maybe half or a little more. I'll take it :)

  2. Thanks for sharing it with me! I bought it yesterday. :)

  3. I love it!! Where did you find that?


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