Letters from Hallie

Hallie has really embraced kindergarten.  She comes home from school every day and writes all afternoon until dinnertime.  She writes stories, and letters, and draws maps and illustrations.

That's actually what she told me she wants to be when she grows up, an illustrator.  I fully support that dream.

Last week she wrote a letter to each person in the family.  I include them here, with her own spelling.  For a long time she wouldn't write because she didn't know how to spell each word and would get so frustrated.  Finally Devin and I sat her down and told her just to try.  Maybe she wouldn't spell it right, but if she tried her best we would probably be able to read what it said.  She didn't believe us at first, but now when I can almost always read what she has written, there is no stopping her.

Der Mom,
I like yoor food. It is yami! Hallie  (Dear Mom, I like your food. It is yummy.)

I like wen yoo mak pasta plan Mom.  Hallie  (I like when you make pasta plain Mom.)

Der Dad,
I like wen yoo tell me wat sapthing is.  Hallie (Dear Dad, I like when you tell me what something is.)

Der Hanna
I like too pla weth yoo!  yoor sistr Hallie. (Dear Hanna, I like too play with you! Your sister Hallie)

Der Heather
I can help Heather too stop kring with a bodl!! Yoor sister Hallie (Dear Heather, I can help Heather to stop crying with a bottle!! Your sister Hallie)

More recently she has been writing letters to cousins, who may seem them someday if I ever get them in the mailbox.  It's so hard, making that walk down the driveway. I'm not sure why.



  1. Impressive, Hallie!! Her spelling is just one more example of why English is so hard to learn. Our lawyers have so many different sounds! I am impressed, too, that she has decided (for now at least) what she wants to be when she grows up.

  2. You can always tell her that her uncle spelled like that until he was in the seventh grade.

  3. There was only one word out of all that that I had trouble with (plan = plain). Go Hallie, go!

  4. For some reason I couldn't get the word "bodl," but everything I totes understood. Totes! lol So I mean, if she wants to send me a letter...I mean...I would take it! :))


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