The Big News

Thanks in large part - ok, entirely - to my brother Peter there are rumors flying wildly around the Internet that Devin and I are moving to China.  So, for the four of you that saw that on Facebook I'm going to set the record straight about our "BIG NEWS".

See what happened was, he made us an offer we couldn't refuse.

The original offer was tempting, just enough to get us in the door and curious about what we might find.  We hadn't had any chance to really discuss it in any depth, just the casual "are we actually considering this?" followed by a short contemplation of the pros and cons - but nothing that left us feeling like we had a solid decision one way or the other.

We should have known how eager they were when they called four times to make sure we were, indeed, coming in.  What we also didn't realize was that they were so eager, partially, because it was a "Husker Day" - meaning, it was a day in which the Cornhuskers Football Team had a Game. And, not just a game, but the Very First Game of the Season.

To be clear, what they wanted from us was simple: they wanted our Chevy Aveo, and of course they wanted us to buy a car as well.

So when they made us the offer we just couldn't refuse, we did.

If you want to read a soppy and sentimental post about a car, please tune in to my blog tomorrow.  Does it seem familiar?  Me writing a memoir to a car?  Yes, strange...

I wonder if you are amused by the same thing in this situation as Devin and I.  That we, the two people who have a pretty solid reputation as non-spenders, the people who go into a store to look at toasters and leave because they are all too expensive and not quite what we want, who still have all of our student days furniture, woke up one morning with a green car and an orange car, and went to bed that night with a green car and a black car.
Those car salesmen, I tell you.  Great guys, aren't they?

Now, I think I made Devin and I sound like suckers - but really, we had been vaguely talking for a while now about the need for a bigger vehicle.  When we bought the Mazda I was desperately trying to pretend that maybe our family was as big as it was going to get.  Now of course we have Heather, and would it really alarm any of you if you saw a blog post in I don't know, 10 months or so on a similar topic of family expansions?  So, yeah.  There's that.


  1. New cars are so wonderful! It looks pretty... and a memoir wouldn't be weird at all... When my high school car Cleo the Neon was totaled by a big truck I cried for about an hour... sigh lol Excited for you! <3 new car smell!

  2. Yay... I absolutely love it Amy!!

  3. I am looking forward to the post about your orange car. That was a fabulous car. I had great moments trying to drive that car. "Teenage driver!"

    That said, I am very excited about your new car. Think of all the rides you can give! And the new furniture you can buy that will fit in your new car!

    I must say though that this is a little anti-climatic, because showed me your initial facebook post, and then a few hours later woke me up from my nap informing me that you were moving to Cincinnati.

    So, a new car is a bit of a letdown. But I am very happy for you. And I'm glad it fits in your garage. But don't leave the car top carrier on it . . .

  4. I LOVE the last picture. Happy new car to you!

  5. Love your new car...and is that an announcement of pregnancy or just a hypothetical "in ten months"?

  6. Yay for new cars!!! I love it!! But yeah^^^^im stuck on that last sentence.

  7. So you plan to be pregnant in 10 months...... Did everyone just skip that part? Or am I missing something?

  8. I am curious about the family expansion part too... Congrats on the new car!

  9. love the new car! but i really love black cars. you probably look sooooo cool driving that thing! own it!


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