I wrote this post at the end of last summer, and am finally publishing it now. We had several 14+ hour car drives this summer, and on one of them, in a fit of boredom, I began absolutely pestering Devin with questions. I took notes on his answers, and because I am not ashamed for you to know how truly nerdlike I am, I typed them up for you. Maybe you'll learn something too? (These are not direct quotes from Dr. Rose. I did my best to stay accurate, but I am just paraphrasing here.) So what kinds of sugar are there? There are naturally occurring sugars, added sugars, and digestible carbohydrates that are broken down in the body and become sugar. Naturally occurring sugars are found in what foods? They are found in fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes (i.e. plant based foods) and milk. So, just about everything but meat. Are naturally occurring sugars good, or should they be avoided? They provide calories just like added sugars, but they bring with ...