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Once upon a time...

There was a man and a woman, named Devin and Amy.  They started out building their family by adding a little girl.  Two years later they had another little girl.

And, it looks like, come February, we'll be having

another little girl.  The girls came with us to the ultrasound, and at one point Heather (yes, Devin is finally getting his Heather) waved her little arm at us.  It was pretty sweet, Hanna said "arm? arm?" When she first showed up on the screen we got a good shot of her head and Hallie said, "Head? Is that the baby's head?"  It is always so fun to see these little babies and feel like they are really starting to be a part of the family.  I'll put up a picture of the ultrasound tomorrow.

For my own notes, the final vote on this poll was 61% voted boy, 38% voted girl.  Which doesn't actually add to 100...?


  1. I'm not gonna lie...three girls are tons of fun!

  2. I'm not gonna lie, I love the name Heather! It's a great choice! You are joining the girl club, I feel like lately everyone is having a girl! it's pretty exciting! Congrats!

  3. See all good stories begin with Once Upon a time!!! :) congrats, another girl will be so exciting!

  4. Heather IS pretty, Amy! and congratulations! You make the cutest little girls and I am excited for #3!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. How fun!!! That's how the Sutton family started... then we got David (and Jill)! :) I think that is so cool that your whole fam got to be there for the ultrasound! A special moment for sure. Congratulations Amy!!

  7. Congrats! Poor Devin is getting his sorority!

  8. Congrats!! Call me when the teenage years set in for you. I will have had just enough of a break from my 3 girls in a row going through them that I may be same once again!! : ) Welcome, Heather!

  9. That's supposed to say "sane once again"...

  10. Awesome!!! Now Madelyn will have a little Rose bud her age to play with.


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