Saying Goodbye

Do you know how hard it is to say goodbye to these faces?

But how can you help yourself when it's been two and a half years since you've seen THESE faces?

It was so good to see you guys!

And thanks to good friends in Lincoln who made it possible for me to leave...


  1. You have a treasure in those girls!

  2. I am glad you were able to have your weekend!

    And I can't even imagine how hard it must have been to say good bye to those sweet faces (the daughters and the roomies when the weekend was over).

    Also, I definitely told Jill about your trip too soon. Before her nap today, she already asked about ten times to go to Hallie's house (even putting her own shoes on!). After she finally got that Hallie and Hanna were coming here, every single noise made her think it was Hallie and Hanna at her doorstop. "HallieHanna here!" Sigh.

    Oh well. I'm pretty excited, too!!!

  3. It was so wonderful to see you and it's amazing you drove all the way here! I miss you tons but I'm glad we've stayed friends. I certainly got lucky when I walked into good old Duhme hall and found you for a roommate... even though I did think you were leaving notes to yourself everywhere! :)



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