One Of These.

 I so want one of these.

A nap, that is.

AND a love sack.

AND (not pictured) a brownie.


  1. Definitely one of the best places to take a nap. Rachel and Emily would agree with you.

    And I totally want a brownie.

    Love you!

  2. I've got one of those love sacks. I keep it at Mimi's house. I've got a Hallie too. I keep her with her mother and father most of the time. I can't seem to keep a brownie anywhere.

  3. Maybe I'll get lovesacs for the boys instead of cribs.

    I'd let you take a nap Ames. I really would. I wish we were neighbors.

  4. i love a good love sack. and a good nap. mix the two together...heaven!

  5. A love sack. First time I have seen one, heard of them a lot. I understand now.

  6. I was thinking about this post and decided that your daughter has inherited your ability to look ridiculously cozy. I mean, I know it's a love sac, but still.


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