Jolly Old St. Nick

We had the Annual Rose Family Gingerbread House Making Party this past weekend.  Prepare to be awed by our awesomeness.
Let's start with the Parnell's house. A job well done, wouldn't you say? What's that in the corner you ask? Let's take a closer look.
Well, this little piece had excellent craftsmanship that's for sure. But to be honest, I don't think it was ever very clear what exactly it is. 
We've got a little snowy one on one going here.  My money's on the yellow guy.  He looks like he's got hops.
Here you see Devin and Hallie's house.  She did a remarkable job putting together a well constructed, fully functional candy home.  You can see the window air conditioning unit there, protruding from the back.  The icicles were carefully applied by Devin, and the roof was a collaborative effort between the two.  Devin used all M&M's, but Hallie spiced it up a bit with four Trix.  Moving on...
 This little guy is ready for some sledding action, with his buddies waiting for him at the bottom.  I think he's in for a wild ride, how about you?
 And oh, wait a minute... what is this? What is this? Is that Santa Claus I see?  Looks like he is making an early arrival here folks... and what does he have in his sack for the Rose Family?

Ho ho ho, Thank you Santa Claus.


  1. That's quite a name...makes the event sound so official :) Those look awesome.

  2. Massive awesomeness.

    And I love what Santa brought you. Is it in the basement?

    The unidentified thing looks like a food trough to me. Perhaps they are planning on cattle stopping by?

    The basketball hop and sledding area are genius.

    I can't wait to make mine!!

    We can make the other things you listed, too, if you want. I had better check the list of what our kitchens are stocked with.

  3. I want a treadmill. Nice work on the houses.

  4. Impressive artistry. I especially like the sledding gummy bears. Wish we could have crafted together!


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