A Month Ago, Today.

A month ago today I ran a 5k with my girl Al. It was pretty good times. It was fun to be in Lafayette again, even if just for a little while. My grandma died later that same day, so I was off to the viewing and funeral, and then out to Utah for the road trip back with my sister, Jeff, dad, and baby Jill. Then there was baby Jill's blessing, and all of the little random things that happen in life have kept me from putting these pictures up until now. BUT here they finally are. It was FREEZING that day. The wind was OUT OF CONTROL. I'm into all caps right now. We managed to have fun ANYWAY. Here we are trying to keep warm while waiting for them to START the big event.
The runners: Alison, Sarah, Amy
I'm not sure, but I think we're trying to look cute.

Amy and Al, getting loosened up, almost ready to go.

Practicing for our big finish. People we didn't know were taking pictures of us posing like this. With professional looking cameras.

More practicing, with Hallie this time. My dad and cousin Earl came down and played with her so I could run ALL OUT. (ha ha, yeah right.)I couldn't decide which I liked better. Al looks pretty great in this one.

Oh, and please take note of Team Jesse and Team Sarah represented on my shirt. I got a few comments on that.
Al finished the 5k in record time, I was so proud of her. Sarah did really well. A good time was had by all. To see pictures of our ACTUAL big finish, you can see them on Al's blog here.


  1. Awesomeness. I am way proud of you. I need to start running again. I definitely noticed the Team Jenkins shirt you were sporting. I feel like Baby #2 is coming any day now for them right? Can't wait! Will I see you at Jacob's open house thing? Are you going? I can't wait to see Sarah there. Mom was telling me about when she watched Hallie during the run last year, and Hallie decided she would have nothing to do with the bottle and just cried and cried. Sad day. Hungry baby.


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