Spring Needs

This afternoon while the cookie dough rested in the fridge before we carefully spooned it in to our mouths, and eventually place small piles onto a cookie sheet, Hallie and I wrote poems about spring. 

Here is Hallie's:

Spring, spring,
Beautiful spring
Trees and flowers in bloom
It's so nice to see 
The whole world
Coming back to life
In spring

Here is mine:

Spring needs green 
like I need chocolate
and she needs music
and he needs broken
down cars to tinker with
in all his unsold hours --

and Spring needs green
like the birds need a nest
and bunnies need a burrow
and bees need a hive
to hide and sleep and store
all their honey treasure

and Spring needs green
like the sky needs blue
and your eyes need brown
and my favorite sweater
needs grey with a spot
of mustard on the sleeve

and Spring needs green
like I need tulips
and bird song
and warm winds
and little buds holding
an infinite promise


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