What They Say About Us

On Father's and Mother's Day the children wrote down what they think about us on a little questionnaire (someone wrote the answers down for them, really).  Some of the answers really had us laughing:

Here is Hanna's perspective on Devin:

My dad is 18 years old. (He's 34)
His favorite food is "brown stuff". 
My dad is so strong that he could lift a "big pot". 
When my dad wants to relax he likes to "lay on the couch". (Fyi: in 8 years of marriage, Devin has lain on the couch maybe... twice?) 
My dad is the best at "planting flowers". 
I love my dad because he "gives me kisses at night".

Here is Hallie's perspective on Devin:

My dad is 34 years old. (she nailed it!) 
His favorite food is "oats" (right again!)
My dad is so strong he could lift a "box of suitcases".
When my dad wants to relax he likes to "sleep".  (Again, I don't think they have ever seen him sleeping).
My dad is the best at "making oats". 
I love my dad because "he gives me hugs and kisses and reads to me at bedtime."

Apparently we should never underestimate the power of a dad tucking his girls in at night.

Here is Hanna's perspective on Amy:

My mom's name is "Mom. Um, Amy". 
My mom is "15" years old. (woohoo!)
My mom spends most of her day "working, washing dishes". (I hope you all believe her) 
If my mom were a superhero, her name would be "..." (I'm sure she gave the person recording answers a long blank stare) 
The best thing my mom cooks is "waffles". (I don't know that I have ever made them waffles. Pancakes, yes. Waffles, that's Devin's department) 
My favorite thing to do with my mom is "clean up toys" (Then why is it so hard sometimes to get them to do it?!) 
My mom is the best at "getting dressed". (See, I DO have a talent).
I love my mom because "I gave her 110 pictures".  (They do draw me pictures all day long.)

Here is Hallie's perspective on Amy:

 My mom's name is "Amy". 
My mom is "30" years old.  (She's off to a great start). 
My mom spends most of her day "feeding Hazel". (bingo) 
If my mom was a superhero, her name would be "Idon'tknow". 
The best thing my mom cooks is "lasagna". (I do make a killer lasagna) 
My favorite thing to do with my mom is "build a house with her". 
My mom is the best at "doing my hair" (This one almost made me cry - her hair is still a little bit of a sensitive subject with me. It's only been six months, you know? It still hurts.  The good news is that it is almost long enough to do a braid again.) 
I love my mom because "she's nice".

Thanks girls, we love you too!


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