
Showing posts from April, 2014

Hanna Takes Pictures

You've seen what Hallie can do with a camera.  It's Hanna's turn, I suppose. One day while we were waiting for Hallie in the car she grabbed the camera and entertained herself for a while that way.  I weeded out all the pictures of the door handle and the floor mats.  You're welcome.  These were taken in early January I think, so I am still wildly pregnant.  Love it.

Observations of Things

There we sit, every day, the minutes ticking by. I've noticed a few things over the course of the school year. Observation 1 : There are different kinds of parents. 1. The ones who wait in line every single day for an hour. 2. The ones who park and walk to the front of the school and wait, rain or shine, wind or snow.  These people would have made good postal workers. 3. The ones who do wait in line, but show up at the last minute.  Their kid has to stand in front of the school for twenty minutes. 4. The ones who walk when it's nice, drive when it's cold, and park when it's mediocre.  I look at these parents with envy, and wish that we lived close enough to do so. Her school has over 700 students, but I recognize most of the parents and could tell you which category they go in. Ok, to be honest, some of them I wouldn't know their face at all, but I do recognize their vehicle. Observation 2 : There is one parent who has a serious love for REO Speedwagon...

Special Days

Holidays are special days, of course.  Aside from holidays though, there is one day every year that is a really special day for me.  Since it isn't a holiday, I never know exactly when it is going to come.  When it does come, it fills my heart with gladness and makes my soul to sing.  It is such a good day that it makes the good feelings last all week.  It makes everything in my life look better, smell better, taste better, sound better, feel better.  Yes, it's that powerful.  It is even better than some of the real holidays.  I think it might break down like this for me: 1. Christmas 2. Easter 3. Birthdays 4. Amy's Special Day 5. Mother's Day 6.. Halloween 7. Fourth of July 8. Thanksgiving 9. Memorial Day 10. Valentine's Day and then all the other random holidays that are really important and special, too. This is what my special day looks like: Yes, that's right. It's the day I clean out my garage.  Ahhhhhh it just...


The other day Hallie and Hanna were occupied with something out in the sunshine and fresh air.  Devin and I didn't know what they were up to, until they told us to come outside so they could show off what they had accomplished.  Aren't they just the most clever girls you've ever seen?  Look what they've made!  Wait, what? You don't know what that is? Well, clearly, it's how they talk to the bugs.  And then listen to the bugs. You know, for all the important bug communications they have to do. Springtime is my favorite time. I think springtime was made for childhood.

Running in Nebraska

I ran my first 5k since having Hazel.  It felt really good to be out there.  Also, it's always fun to see tractors.  Hanna, waiting for the race to start so they can cheer me on! Best cheerleaders ever.  Don't judge me.   She's only two and a half months old, and I am not one of those women who work out when they are pregnant. I'm just not.  Here I am, telling Devin that I think I can, after all, finish the rest without needing a bathroom.  The girls loved the tractors.  Who doesn't love a good tractor? In this one I am trying to decide if I want to "finish strong", or walk it in. You know how it is.

Little Boys

The ratio of girls to boys, as you know, is 5 to 1 around here most of the time.  When Devin is at work, obviously we go 5-0.  When my sister and my mom visit, even when Devin is home, we're sitting at 9-2.  When Devin goes to work, that leaves my little nephew Daniel as the sole man-person, and that's a tough gig. He handles it really well though.  We love having you come around, Danny boy! I think one of my favorite moments of their visit here was when Heather grabbed Danny for a big hug, and softly said, "I love you Danny. I love you."

On A Tuesday

It's just another Tuesday around here.

Post Partum and My Girls

These days, my girls each represent something different to me. Hallie is my hope.  She is the reminder that children grow up, that each day is a new day.  That day is filled with potential for learning and growing.  As sad as I feel every morning when I watch her tiny little body walking away from the car, her huge backpack bouncing as she goes, she reminds me that they don't stay babies and toddlers forever.  As cute and precious as they are at that age, it is nice to be reminded that the sleepless nights and crazy days will someday come to an end.  On that day, I know that I will cry, and I will rejoice.  Hallie brings me hope. Hanna is my purpose.  She needs me for something more than just food and comfort.  She needs me to teach her things, real things like reading and writing and how to say thank you and I'm sorry.  She needs me to tell her why that man is in a wheelchair, or why that woman has smoke coming out of her mouth.  S...