There we sit, every day, the minutes ticking by. I've noticed a few things over the course of the school year. Observation 1 : There are different kinds of parents. 1. The ones who wait in line every single day for an hour. 2. The ones who park and walk to the front of the school and wait, rain or shine, wind or snow. These people would have made good postal workers. 3. The ones who do wait in line, but show up at the last minute. Their kid has to stand in front of the school for twenty minutes. 4. The ones who walk when it's nice, drive when it's cold, and park when it's mediocre. I look at these parents with envy, and wish that we lived close enough to do so. Her school has over 700 students, but I recognize most of the parents and could tell you which category they go in. Ok, to be honest, some of them I wouldn't know their face at all, but I do recognize their vehicle. Observation 2 : There is one parent who has a serious love for REO Speedwagon...