A Mother's Dignity
You want to get a lot of attention? First, take a shower. Then take three really cute little girls to the mall. Next put a newborn into a Moby and prepare yourself. The hardest part will be not breaking down into a puddle of sobbing post partum tears when the strangers, with admiration in their eyes, keep telling you what a good mom you are. Try to believe them when they say this. You know, the human body has a lot of fluid in it. Really, we are pretty juicy creatures. All sorts of fluids, and some are supposed to come out of the body, some aren't. Some smell bad, some smell worse. I don't think any of them smell good... but I could be wrong? Last week I sent this email to some people, soliciting advice. "Hazel just peed all over me. I'm wearing the only pair of pants that I can wear without pain from my incision. We are leaving in about twenty minutes to go to Hallie's doctor appointment. I mean, I could go to the do...