Ready... Or Not?
Sometimes these little people send quite the mixed message. Devin decided a while ago that Hanna seemed ready to start potty training. She shows a lot of interest in the potty, and that Hallie doesn't wear a diaper. She likes to pull on Hallie's panties over her pants and rock out like that. Devin doesn't think I should let her do that, but who am I to say no to hilarity? I wasn't quite sure if she was ready, because she never wants me to change her diaper, and I thought one of the signs that a child is ready for potty training is when they want the dirty diaper off... fast. But maybe I made that up? Anyway, she fights me and fights me at diaper changes, which, admittedly, does make the idea of her going on the potty very enticing. So, we got out the old potty chair and put it in the bathroom, and at night when Hallie is going her pre-bedtime you-know we have Hanna sit on the little potty chair. She loves it. But it's really more of a game for her. She...