We are told pretty much our whole lives not to brag.  Pride goeth before the fall and that whole thing.  But sometimes, sometimes I really like hearing about other people's awesome accomplishments.  It makes me happy to hear people talk about something hard that they've done that made them feel really good about themselves.  And, sometimes, I'll admit, I wish that it were socially, morally, politically, acceptable for me to shout from the rooftops all the things that I've done that made me feel like a rock star.

A few days ago my sister sent me a picture of herself.  Her baby boy was born exactly a month early, and my sister put together a little photo collage of herself at various stages of the pregnancy, which now included a shot of the baby himself.  In the email with the picture she wrote something that said, and I paraphrase, "I'm really proud of myself, but I don't want to blog about it because I don't want to brag, but I thought you wouldn't mind if I showed you."

And as I looked at this picture of my sister I was bursting.  Absolutely button popping proud of my little sister for how good she looked, and I knew it was because of how hard she had worked.  She went to the gym and ran at least mile just about every day of her pregnancy, and that's not easy - especially when you factor in the Jill Beans, as Hallie calls her.  So here's to your hard work, dedication, good eating habits, and a fair amount of good genetics.  You look great sister.  I'm bragging for you.

Which brings me to my point.  Let's have a little BRAGGfest, shall we?  Let's take a moment to celebrate "Being Really Awesome Girls (or) Guys."  Tell me what you've done lately that made you feel good about yourself.  What have you worked hard to accomplish and wish you could tell someone about, but are worried they'll think you're bragging?  I promise I won't think you're bragging, I'll just think you're BRAGGing.  See?

Don't be shy now.  This is not a competition, so don't worry about what other people may have done, except to pat them on the back and say, "Hey - well done friend. Well done."  I'm so excited to pat you on the back.


  1. I'll start us off. I am quilting, by hand, with invisible thread. I've done all three of those things before, but never together. It's not easy. But it looks great.

  2. I teach Minnie a nursery lesson (almost) every day, I am making quiet books and coloring books with adobe cs4 that look AWESOME for her, and I have been writing some great poetry lately that I think I will be able to get published. :)

  3. I made a little skirt and matching bag out of scraps of fabric left over from Mimi's bag. I get to see her in the outfit this weekend at Daniel's blessing! Since I haven't finished something I started sewing in ... a long time, I am proud of myself for finishing!

  4. I alway feel like facebook is where I like to brag more often than my blog. A hole post dedicated to something awesome I did is over kill (even though I have done it!) My most recent accomplishment is that I'm learning the ins and outs of computers. (to a very small degree!) I wiped a hard drive on purpose not by accident! To me thats a big deal!

  5. Mims does look great, and I am super jealous in a wonderful happy way. I am also astounded at your quilting/sewing abilities. Just getting up and going to work seems like an accomplishment to me these days, but I'm making it all come together.

  6. i am writing a book...that may ever get finished. but im working on it!!

  7. Way to go Mimi!!! And way to go Amy for BRAGGing!!! I slipped in a little bragging myself in my most recent post (more about Aurora than myself but it's the result of some of my own efforts!:) I truly appreciated this post.

  8. I just learned how to make mitred corners on napkins!


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