What To Think?

We've been working on colors with Hallie for a while now.  It is unclear whether she just plain doesn't know them, or is unwilling to demonstrate her knowledge of them.  She almost never answers correctly if you ask her what color something is, and when playing a game involving colors that Devin made up she never seems to "get it".

I wasn't too worried.  She's still young, right?  Then I realized all her friends who are younger than her knew their colors.  Ah well, each in their own time.  I'm sure she knows things that they don't know, and it will all even out and be fine.

I loved Teddy Ruxpin when I was a kid. I have a whole stack of my Teddy Ruxpin books from when I was a child on the bookshelf in Hallie's room.  She has recently discovered the delight that is Teddy Ruxpin.  On the front inside flap of each book the characters are portrayed.  Mudblup, Gutang, Grunge, Bounders, Tweeg, you get the picture. Strange looking creatures with strange names.  Names it would be fairly reasonable to assume your child had never heard before.  She had me read them to her.  Then she wanted me to read them through again.

After hearing them four times she said it was her turn.  She named them all perfectly.  So my doubts about her intelligence are now put at rest.  She can recite a list of 13 characters, all of whom look strange and have strange names after only hearing the list 4 times.  That is something that many adults would struggle doing. (Ever tried repeating a list of 13 words in a foreign language after only hearing it four times?)

And yet, of the colors that she sees every single day and has heard people referring to every day since the day she was born, "The light turned green, honey."  "Should I wear the brown shirt, or the blue one?" "Oh, look at the pretty pink flowers!"  etc. she has seemingly no recognition.

So, am I completely irrational for wondering if she is color blind?

This is Grubby.

Never heard of Teddy Ruxpin?  Learn more about him here.


  1. I believe it's very rare for girls to be color blind, but possible. However, I think she's just being stubborn--after all, it's more important to you guys than it is to her right now.

    My MIL was worried about my husband not learning to walk, so at his 1 yr appt, she mentioned it to the doctor. The doctor picked my husband up from the table and set him on the floor and my husband RAN away from him. He'd been walking for who knows HOW long, just didn't feel the need to do it in front of his parents.

    Kids are funny that way. Aidan is that way about colors, too, and we honestly thought he was colorblind, but when he plays with this pastel tea set his grandma has, he matches the cups and saucers by color.

  2. I don't think it is irrational, although I do think it's just as likely that it's a scheme to freak her mom out (you KNOW how kids are).

    Also, I liked your review of Forever Princess by Meg Cabot. SO DISAPPOINTING. She has other "teen" books that are worse. I was horrified.

  3. Teddy R. and Grubby said that they miss you too! They wait patiently on the shelf for you and Mimi to come and play again.

  4. My nephew does the same thing... only his response is always "Well, it's not red." I wouldn't be to worried about it.

  5. Color blindness is a problem on the x chromosome. This is why it is more common in males (they only have one). So basically unless you are a carrier and Devin is color blind--Hallie can't be color blind in the true sense (other visual disorder might be a possibility, I'm not sure on that). My guess is that it hasn't seemed important to her yet so she hasn't made the association between the word and the color it will work itself out.

  6. I agree with all the other comments. She obviously has more important riddles to ruminate on than what color something is. Must not be important to her right now. Although, if you try to make Clifford a blue or green dog, well, that might get her attention!

  7. I assume she just doesn't see the importance of colors yet. Good for her! :)

    And aww. I miss those guys!!

  8. For the longest time (at least it seemed that way to me), if we asked Mia what color something was she would just say "color" and then for a while everything was "red". But, if we asked her to get something that was red she would pick the right one. Just watch for signs that she comprehends color, matching clothes, blocks, etc.


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