Could You, Would You?

First of all, no I don't actually know these people. But any friend of my sister's is a friend of mine.  And these are friends of my sisters.
Second of all, if I were ever in a similar position, where I wanted something so badly that had been denied to me, and what I wanted was a good thing and I was a fully deserving person, I would appreciate it if people went to bat for me.

See here's the thing.  This nice couple wants a baby.  For long years they have waited, and wondered, and tried and prayed and been unsuccessful.  They have recently been approved for adoption.

So what does this have to do with you?  Well, maybe nothing at all. But MAYBE you know someone, or you know someone who knows someone who is on the other end of that very difficult decision.

And if they come to you for guidance, could you, would you, mention adoption?

And if you mention adoption, and the person you know seems interested, could you, would you, mention this nice couple?

Because while it is true that I have never met them, I have read the stories she has written.  She'll be famous someday, that's for sure.  And then what a story you'd have to tell.

To see what my sister wrote about her friends, click here.

To see what they write about themselves, click here.

To see their official adoption profile, click here.

p.s. What I said earlier, about how this post maybe has nothing to do with you? I take that back.  Even if you live in a closet and don't know a single living soul you can still pray, or light a candle, or send a good thought out into the cosmos.  So could you, would you, do that for these nice people?



  1. Thanks, Amy! This is so nice of you. I really appreciate it. :)

  2. I sent a thought into the cosmos.

  3. I'm catching up on all my blog reading...way behind...but thanks for supporting adoption Amy!


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