Crazy Cutie

Hallie is 16 months old. She has the body of a 6 month old (based on the clothes she still fits in, and her weight and height). She has the emotions of a 2 year old. Have you ever heard someone say they don't want a kitten because it grows up to be a cat? (note: I love kittens AND cats. That's not my point.) Well, I have to remind myself every day that babies don't grow up to be two year olds. (At least, they don't stay that way.) I'm going nuts here. She screams and yells when I won't let her outside to play in the thunderstorm. I'm a mean mommy, I know. She throws herself to the ground when I won't let her play in the street. Mean, mean mommy. She tries to kick at me when I won't let her bang her head on the wall. When I put her in time out for whatever reason, she just hangs out there like "whatever man, I've got this." There are some days... yeah. But, then today I put her first ponytail ever in her hair: So maybe she...