Hanna Is

I have been thinking about Hanna a lot lately. I feel like her birthday post was a little sidetracked with my thoughts of just having visited my grandma. When Devin and I were trying to decide to have another baby or not five or so years ago, I worried about Hanna. I knew that I wanted Hallie to have a sibling, but I worried if we had one more then Hanna would be in the dreaded middle spot of a family of three children. (Assuming at that time that we would not have four). As we talked though we decided Hanna had a strong enough personality that she could handle being a "middle". And yet, sometimes I worry that because she takes care of herself so well I lost out on some opportunities to be mom for her specially. I began to worry that's what happened with her birthday post. So this one is for you kid, just you. Hanna is As I try to begin, I realize I have a dilemma. How do you describe in writing, a format that is by nature somewhat permane...