Finally Three!

The basement guys showed up bright and early yesterday morning to begin working. They worked all day, leaving at 5:30 and then were back at it again this morning. They hope to be done before too long and then I can have my house back! Yesterday just as they were getting started, the crew leader, Mike, mentioned that I would have to turn my heat off, because the dust from all the concrete they would be breaking up would filter through the whole house otherwise. And so with below freezing temperatures outside, I turned off my heat inside and we all huddled in my bedroom with a space heater on all day. As I sat there in my bedroom for hours with my three little girls, I thought I could probably complain about this. Or I could be grateful that my bedroom is the size of the houses people lived in a couple hundred years ago, when things like furnaces and solid walls and running water were unheard of dreams. I chose gratitude. At one point I was in my bathroo...