
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Truth and a Secret

I am going to tell you a truth.  Then I am going to let you in on a little secret. I am often tired.  I am sometimes so tired that I find it really hard to enjoy being a mother.  It's hard when you are tired to listen to all the questions, and the crying, and the complaining, and still manage to enjoy it. It's hard some days to clean up the spilled cereal bowls, and the orange someone spit out because they took a bite that was too big then decided they didn't like it, and the mess on the floor by the toilet made by someone who played a little too long and couldn't quite make it.  On those days, with the messes and the exhaustion, I just can't find the energy to enjoy it. And sometimes it is my own fault for being so tired, because I forgot to go to the pharmacy (again) and pick up my medicine and probably I stayed up too late crocheting and watching Sherlock.  I'm new to the Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock bit, but color me orange and label me a fan. ...

Hanna Plans Her Life

The other day we were driving around in the car, as we do.   Hanna began contemplating what life had in store for her. "But, mommy," she began thoughtfully, "I can't marry daddy because he is already married.  To you." I didn't understand yet where this was going.  "That's true, Daddy married me."  I told her, looking both ways before turning left and probably not really listening to her at all. "So, but mommy.   But who am I going to marry then, since I can't marry daddy?" I looked at her in the rearview mirror. She was looking out the window at the Christmas lights on the houses as we drove past in the early evening dusk. "Oh." I was listening now, and trying not to laugh.  "Well, Hanna, how about you marry one of the other boys you know, like --- or ---- or ---." I said, listing the names of some of the boys she knows. "Mom.  I can't marry them .  They are just little boys." Her voi...

15 Years Ago

New Years Resolutions are fun, aren't they? Recently, my mom and dad found stashed away my New Year's Resolutions from 2000, along with those of my sister and one of our best friends, Sarah. Oh! The memories come crashing back when you find something like that.  I begged my mom to mail them to me, and she did. OH!! The memories! We wrote them all in shiny gel pens.  Shiny! Gel! Pens! I don't even understand what the purpose of those is.  I can't decide whose resolutions to share first! They are so so so so classic.  Now, for reference, we were all at this time 14 years old, give or take a year or two. A note before you read them: they are all strangely cryptic at times. It makes me laugh so hard. I'll throw my girl Sarah under the bus first: 1. (obvious) 2. Blossom to a wonderful flower 3. Stop making corny jokes 4. Find at least one special someone... ha ha 5. Be nice and try to include everyone! 6. Have Ashley and I work out when she moves in 7....