Rose Family 7th Annual Thanksgiving Day

I wasn't sure if we would make it this morning on our run. The weather was not ideal, and I had a headache from a long night with Heather. (nightmares?) It was decidedly our coldest Turkey Run yet, beating even last year's frigid temps. Last year was below freezing, but this year it was even more below freezing. There was some whining and even some crying, and Devin said something like, "why can't they just be tough, and enjoy being outside?" and I said, "I think it's probably something to do with the fact that they are little girls, and not grown mountain men. But they will grow up to be tough women because we are giving them these experiences when they are young, showing them that their bodies are strong, and they will survive, and it can be fun, and hot cocoa is the best thing ever invented. That's what we are teaching them now, but they are still just little, and still learning the lesson." My favorite bit from today was at one poi...