1 Mile, 31 Miles

Today was the big day.  The day we've all been waiting for, for months.  Anticipation and anxiety for how the day would go were at fever pitch - the runners were feeling it, the spectators were feeling it.

How were we even going to get everyone where they needed to be?  It was complicated, and messy, and in the end turned out beautifully.  We managed to be there to watch Devin at each of the points we wanted to, and even caught him at two extra points we weren't planning on!

Hallie didn't win her pumpkin run, and she had a momentary confusion where she walked off the course into a crowd of people and I experienced mild to severe panic; but with the help of a friend she got back on track and ran her legs as hard as they would go.

Devin's injury didn't bother him as much as he feared, and when we saw him at the end he smiled and waved as heartily as he did at mile 6.  When we met up with him after the finish line, he admitted that "everything hurts. Everything.  My teeth hurt."  but he looked happy, and strong, and proud.

I am so proud of my runners.  
I hope to run with them next year!  

Hanna will be doing the pumpkin run next year. 
 I can't even believe how big they are all getting.

Hallie shows off her excellent running form.

Devin at mile six.  

Waiting for Daddy at mile 27.5

 I bring an entire Devin fan club with me wherever I go.

Hazel was such a trooper.
 I couldn't believe how well they all handled the long day. 

I definitely could not have done it without my mom, though.  
Thanks for coming, Mom.

Devin at mile 27.5

 Big finish!
I am really proud of that man.


  1. Looks like a fun day! Well, perhaps not fun for Devin, but I imagine it was at least a fulfilling day for him. And maybe fun. Who knows. Sorry about his injury, but that's great he was able to do the whole thing.

    Hallie looked so cute. That shirt looked huge.

    Jill has a run in November. Her school's run was usually in October, but for some reason it is in November this year. I hope it isn't freezing.

    Mom is wonderful.

    And Devin's fan club is beautiful!

  2. Yeah, I'm super-glad your mom was there too! Congratulations on running a lot. It's hard, and we all know it.


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