everything at once

how can the small flowers grow if the wild winds blow and the cold snow moves all around? where will the frail birds fly if their homes on high have been torn down, to the ground? lift the wings that carry me away from here and fill the sail that breaks the line to home. when i'm miles and miles apart from you - i'm beside you when i think of you. how can the tree stand tall if the rain won't fall to wash its branches down? how can the heart survive, can it stay alive - if it's loves denied for long? lift the wings that carry me away from here and fill the sail that breaks the line to home when i'm miles and miles apart from you, i'm beside you when i think of you. and i'm with you as i dream of you. and this song will bring me near to you.

hey everyone. i considered walking to canada today. but i didn't. thought about it though. for about five minutes, till the next huge gust of wind came along and blew the idea straight out of my mind. that and i called kristy and she said come home. so i said, ok fine. but it's been bad. i've been so annoyed at myself. i have forgotten every important thing i was supposed to do this week. every responsibility i had to myself, to my group members, to my boss, to my roommates, everyone. i don't think there was a person this week that i did not somehow let down. luckily i had a good email week, so that cheered me up. thanks for writing me! friends. ah, good people. we had a panel tonight for seniors to ask us questions about college, and our experience, and it was quite interesting. we tried to give them the truth without scaring them so much that they don't ever want to go. so it's weird having like all your best friends engaged, or basically engaged... except for the few that are holding strong, thanks guys. but it makes me feel old. and much as i have always wanted to grow old, i feel like i'm too young to already be growing old. hmm, paradox? well it's true. no one ever said what i felt had to make sense did they? cuz if so, i missed out hardcore on that memo. for reals. what else is new. not much. my room hasn't been clean in like a decade and i think i am going slowly insane from that. i've been living on fruit snakes and hot dogs for a while now.
when you're down and troubled and you need some lovin care, and nothing nothing is going right... close your eyes and think of me and soon i will be there to brighten up even your darkest night - you just call out my name and you know wherever i am i'll come running to see you again. winter spring summer or fall, all you have to do is call and i'll be there you've gotta friend. if the sky above you grows dark and full of clouds and that old north wind begins to blow keep your head together and call my name out loud soon you'll hear me knocking at your door. you just call out my name and you know wherever i am i'll come running running yeah yeah to see you again winter spring summer or fall all you have to do is call and i'll be there.
peace out homies.


  1. I just wanted to ask what fruit snakes are and why I've never heard of them before. Also, I go slowly insane every week as our apartment gets slowly messy until I get a chance to clean it up again on the weekend. And also, I love that you quoted that song here, it's one of my favorites.

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