
someday i want to see:
Ireland - where the palm trees grow
Italy - the sunflower fields
Australia - for the dingoes, and the platypus
India - during monsoon season
China - tigers, red pandas, Great Wall
Alaska - kayaking
Arizona - Grand Canyon
Japan - star shaped sand on beach
Galapagos Islands - turtles
Djabuti - just to say I'd been there
Thailand - because it has the world's largest elephant band

anyone want to come with me on my travels? it's gonna be... awesome. so i am really excited about old friends right now, let's hear it for RYAN JACKSON. home in three days!! what is that? all my boys are coming back... i got to talk to John tonight too. i had forgotten how much I love him. and i've been thinking about old high school friends who make me happy, i mean everyone makes me happy but... today i was thinking about sarah aldridge, heather wible, aubrey vance, allison veach... good times.


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