The Way Hallie Tells It

Lately Hanna has become really enamored with birth stories. She wants me to tell the stories of how she and her sisters were born, what I was doing, what I was eating, all the details I can remember. Then she makes me tell them again and again, ad nauseam. Every day they are like new stories to her, even though I tell them pretty much the same way each time. One day I had just finished telling Hazel's birth story, when Hallie asked if she could tell it. I said yes, thinking she would just tell the same story I had, and wondering why she wanted to. She began the same way I do. "On the day Hazel was born, Mommy was laying on the couch sleeping, and Hanna was on the other couch next to Big Grandpa sleeping because she was sick. Heather was sleeping upstairs in her bed. I came home from school with GramB, and then Mommy told GramB that she thought the baby was coming." I was nodding my head, impressed that Hallie was remembering the sto...