A Letter to my Daddy

that somehow also became almost something of a manifesto, as a 35 year old female bike riding college student. Today as I was riding my bike to campus, you were undergoing surgery. You were asleep in Michigan with doctors meddling and fussing with your insides, and I was pedaling my way across Lincoln, Nebraska. Today was my coolest day of bike riding so far at a balmy 70 degrees, but the humidity was so thick there was a consistent spray of mist as I rode. Not so that you could ever feel any individual drop of rain, but just enough so that every surface had a layer, (or two, or three) of wetness on top of it. Devin warned me that parts of the trail were flooded, but his last words to me this morning were, "you can drive if you want, but if you want to be a serious bike rider you could ride your bike." You know he didn't mean it as a challenge, but of course that's how I heard it, so you already know I rode my bike. Footnote: While I rode through copious amounts...