
Showing posts from 2006


Sometimes I hide in the closet. And sometimes I hide behind my pleasant small talk. Sometimes I hide under the bed. And sometimes I hide behind a smile, and hope my eyes can tell the lie. Sometimes I hide beneath piles of stuffed animals. And sometimes I hide behind the problems of other people.


AMY It means happy, flexible, smart. It is the number 4. It is like a juicy ripe grape in the middle of July. It is camping under the stars on a mountain in Colorado. It is the memory of my little sister who taught me courage and trust. When she had no fear and got what she wanted. My name is Amy. It means that sometimes life is hard and sometimes life is scary and sometimes life is wonderful.

oh wow

so it's been a long time... i am sitting in my office hours bored out of my mind. so what's up. not much. my parents moved to michigan, so i don't go "home" much anymore, and that's sad. my sister is getting married in april, but that's AWESOME. yeah, i am glad she's happy. i'm bored. i can never think of anything interesting to say when i'm bored. i have art class later. i love my art class. we talked about aesthetics the other day. and we had an interesting lesson. WHAT IS BEAUTY? what makes something beautiful? if you had to pick between pictures of your favorite actor or supermodel, or a picture of your grandmother, which is more beautiful to you? why? if you had to pick between the first picture you ever took with your childhood best friend, or a picture of your best friend now, which one is more special to you? why? what flower is the most beautiful? why? if you had to choose between the mona lisa, a van gogh, or a painting that your litt...